(Denial is healthy.)
Forthwith are my final random thoughts (not a blog!) on this season:
* Congratulations to Chantal. She was the clear winner this season. She got the same prime time network exposure as Miss Emily, didn't have to end up with the Bear, and apparently has found love in the real world. Well done.
* I kinda wish the recap-loving producers had juxtaposed footage from Mr. Brad's first foray into Bachelorhood so we could contrast and compare. I was curious about his family's reaction the first time. Surely they were included then. Was Brad pretending to be considering both of them? Did Neal Lane make an appearance with the rings then? Did Brad keep the ring when he didn't give it out to either woman? Enquiring minds want to know!
* When Mr. Brad wept at the sight of his family in South Africa, his twin bro said, "It's all right, buddy." What the hell kind of sibling is that? Where's the endless merciless ribbing? That's what brothers are for.
* I think this was the first season where I really liked both final contestants. And the first time I didn't have a really good sense who was going to be picked. Well done, producers. You got me this time, but I'll be back non-blogging for the Bachelorette on May 23. You won't fool me again. When Chantal rang the doorbell, Mr. Brad said he wanted to spend some time with "my girl". I thought, okay, it's gotta be Chantal. We'll talk about that a bit further down.
* Chantal was so head-over-heels in love I kinda wanted her to lose. Is that mean? I think so, but come on, it's on TV so it can't be real.
* When Miss Emily told Mr. Brad's family about her tragic past, even though I'd heard it numerous times already, I teared up. (No actual tears fell from my face, for the record.) I think Mr. Brad greased the wheel with his blubbering earlier.
* When Mr. Brad was still leading Chantal (and us) on, and I didn't know who he should choose, I was thinking he should just join a Mormon sect and marry them both.
* Mr. Brad's family unanimously fell in love with Miss Emily. Mr. Brad said his mom was a "pretty good judge of character." Um, except for, you know, Mr. Brad's dad.
* Mr. Brad described the outing with Chantal as, "perfect date, perfect girl, perfect experience." Obviously, not perfect enough. Another example of why she was so pissed when she was told he had fallen in love with "someone else". And his explanation on the After the Final Rose episode wasn't very convincing. She deserved to be there? He admitted he fell in love with Emily early into the process. Fair enough. But then why lead anybody else on the way he did? Yeah, yeah, it's a show but, as Miss Emily rightfully said when discussing her manic Mondays watching the show, why give her more amunition for their "knock-down, drag-out" fights? Calling Chantal "my girl" and "perfect" and making out like he means it when he knows he's in love with Emily is going beyond the call of duty.
* Are there no jewelers on the continent? They had to fly Neal Lane all the way to South Africa for his 15 seconds of airtime?
* Worst line of the episode came from Miss Emily whether Mr. Brad would choose her or Chantal: "... the fact it could be the be the best day of my life or the worst day of my life scares me to death." Did I waste my near-tears? Knowing what we know of her life, surely she's had one day a little worse than the prospects of Brad Womack not choosing her. Although, now that I think about it, she didn't explicitly state which was which. Maybe the worst day would be Mr. Brad choosing her. That I'd buy.
* Does Mr. Brad own a razor?
* When he started out his alter speech to Chantal with, "Where do I begin?" I thought it was her. Turns out he said the exact same thing to Miss Emily. Classy. Another reason both women were upset. Then when he told Chantal, "I have strong feelings for someone else," (hmm, who could that be?), she immediately broke down, just as we all thought she would. Poor dear. I really felt for her. That's gotta be a looooong flight home from South Africa. Brad: "You all right?" Chantal: "No." Brad: "You wanna talk to me?" Chantal: "I don't know what to say." And what could she say, really? Well, for one, she could have told him she was carrying his love child. That was pretty apparent. She was pregnant, right? Then when we saw her crying in the limo, I got all verklempt again.
* In the limo, Chantal said, "Part of me is sscared I'm not gonna find love." Well, we learned that she has since moved on and found somebody else. But even if she didn't, there's always Bachelor cruises and Bachelor Pad.
* When Brad was trying to deke out Miss Emily at the alter before declaring his forever love, there wasn't a hint of worry on her face. I really believe she'd have been fine either way. When he got down on one knee, she was smiling but didn't look too over-the-moon or all that surprised. She is one unflappable broad. At the wrap show, Chris Harrison called it "one of the most emotional finals in Bachelor history." But the proposal wasn't; it was watching Chantal get dumped that was emotional.
* After Mr. Brad does his Cheshire Cat impression, grinning ear to ear about his love for Miss Emily, Harrison reveals they had broken up earlier. It was at this point that I started to see Mr. Brad as kind of a stalker. He kept saying stuff like, "I'm not letting her go." Hey Bradley, if she wants out, you have to let her go.
* Still no announcement on the new Bachelorette. Come on, producers. Shawntel the Undertaker would be a natural. Make it happen.
That's all she wrote, people. Hope you enjoyed the non-blogging this season. See you in a couple of months.